Friday, May 06, 2005

something different

here's a post with meaning! Yay!

Was having a conversation with some friends about boys being stupid and confused and girls being stupid and confusing. In the general sense it is true, and therefore it is true for relationship things too. However the implication was made that boys must always make the first move. It was later put forward in a conversation with some bloke friends that because boys are simplistic but girls aren't, and that girls know all about what's going on and guys often have only half the story, it should be the girls who make the first moves for the sake of establishing a common ground on which something can be built.

Women of the world, take heed of these words! A simple "So we like each other, hey?" would go a long way! Then we could make the move you want us to without fear of being shot down to crash and burn in a sulking confused mess.


always there, one way or another,
not yet there, yet there's no other,
unsure where, but ruing cover,
ever fair, why do you hover?


  1. Hey Iain,

    In no way do I agree with certain people that guys should always the first move. Especially if the girl is the first one to notice a compatibility. Having said that; once the girl has made the move I think the ball is entirely in the guys court and he should have the decency to tell her that there's nothing and crush her hopes and dreams before they grow branches. Or to make a move back so he can at least be the leader in the relatiohsip. Trust me, and even well aimed bricks miss their target... it seems.

    Will be a regular reader.

  2. Honestly couldn't agree more!

    Will just say: this is why girls should say something first at those times:
    [she] should have the decency to tell [him] that there's nothing and crush [his] hopes and dreams before they grow branches"

    Maybe where a brick fails, you could try an anvil... or a fridge even...

  3. Nah, I'm not putting myself out there again. I'm keeping my anvil for Warner Bros. cartoons and my fridge for choclate, ice cream and choclate fudgy ice creams. Ships sail and anchors are left at shore.

    Also, sometimes, the girl has no clue. Even though the guys signals are as blunt as a rubber axe, some girls are... clueless... okay, I'll be nice, some girls are naive and innocent.

  4. Ships sail and anchors are left at shore
    often true, but a wise captain can navigate through the roughest storms...

    do you reckon there's any way to tell (as a guy) if a girl's "naïve and innocent"? If you have such a girl and a boy who thinks flying bricks come from nowhere, won't it end in a fat lot of frustrating nothingness?

  5. Yeah, a good captain can do all of that. But how long will a lonely sunset satisfy a ship that has nothing to anchor it to shore? Will the empty winds of the sea drive the ship to nothingness. A ghost of a ship, living a life unknown.

    If you have a clueless girl and a guy who thinks that flying bricks come from nowhere you'll have two parallel lines. Ever going, never meeting. She'll not know that he likes her and he won't know that she likes him. Unless, there's an intersecting line...

  6. I agree. With nothing to hold a ship in safe harbour, its in a very dangerous situation. I guess the only thing for it is to check that you've got your anchor with you before you leave for deeper waters. Then the ship is prepared for almost anything.

    Space is curved, or so they say, so two parallel lines will meet eventually. Probably far too late though, and in the wrong circumstances. They'll be light years away from where they might have been.
