Tuesday, May 10, 2005


I've been listening to Nathan Tasker a bit lately. One of his songs mentions that proverb "He is no fool, who will give away what he can never keep to gain what he will never lose." And I've been challenged by a friend of mine, who has been challenged to live every day as if it were his last. I have been challenged too by the fact that no marriage will survive death. And another friend once said to me (she was a girl), "I'm just going to run as hard and as fast as I can for God, and if a guy can keep up and is going in the same direction as me, [I might think about it.]" (this isn't what she said exactly, but I can't be bothered digging up the letter...)

I've been looking for riches in the wrong place!

To think I've been so worried about getting myself into yet another relationship where my attention would be diverted from God, that my attention was diverted from God and His way for my life. Foolishness! Here's a good case for living the most Christ-centred single life possible, for such a life prepares you for both a life of singleness as a Christian and life as a married Christian at the same time, so that whichever path it pleases God to give you, you will live it to the full as a wholehearted servant of the risen Christ, to the praise and glory of God. I challenge you to find a better way to live!


  1. Iain,
    I can't help but notice how hard you are on yourself. I'm actually very much in awe of you. With 'the thing' all I've heard you say that you'll do about it is think and pray. I envy that you're so honest with yourself about things. Unlike stupid me who just ignores that its there for as long as possible until... well, just until. I think it shows how careful and well rounded your characters is and how much you rely on God. I think it's nice.

    I also like what your friend said. Very nice. I don't know if I can run and talk at the same time. =)

  2. don't envy me, i'm careful because I've come to realise that not being cautious and not relying on God is the most harmful thing that could ever be done in life, and unfortunately I found it out the hard way. I wouldn't really call myself well rounded, because there's a lot of "think", a bit of "pray" and almost never any "do", and being honest with myself only happens when, by the grace of God, i'm not too tired to think. I think you and all my other awesome friends in and around uni bring out the best in me! Sonia, you're a dearly loved sister to me, hope you know that by now.

    I too have a list. Not a list of qualities that I'd want in my future wife, but a list of people whose beauty in every aspect of life inspires awe in me. The friend who said that to me is on that list.

    Running and talking is overrated... you need a rest somtimes, and sunsets are best observed standing still :o)
