Thursday, May 03, 2007

ponderationalisingness something that I've been doing a lot of lately... kinda.

Observation: the sound of my computers hard drive when it's chewing over something is almost indistinguishable from the sound of the crickets outside, and I find that annoying.

It feels to me as though there's a general vibe of "luurve" in the air... hmmm, let me put this in terms you'll "understand"... I have concluded, from observations made recently, that the relational potential energy P of the subshperes of existence of which I am a part is increasing. The increase is proportional to the number of single people s, to the latent individual breakup rate r=p/t by the Newly-Single operator S(r) (where S(r)=2rt=2p), to time t (in seconds), and to the EU Camps factor C which increases by 1 after each EU camp. The increase is inversely proportional to the air temperature T in degrees (this phenomenon is known as the Snuggle-Hugalot Effect) and to the number of people still at university N (measured in people/degree - also known as the Nerd factor). Thus, we have an equation:

P = s S(r) t C / T N

This gives the measure of the relational potential energy in units of relajoules, or people-seconds. No seriously... Basically what that means is that we're all spending an increasing amount of time/energy on relational stuff right now, and since it's only potential energy, nobody's getting anywhere.

Where's my dinner...?

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