Wednesday, September 21, 2005

random think of the day ii

Life is like a deck of cards. It gets shuffled, you can play many different games with it, and it's annoying if it's not all there.


  1. What would you say is the joker of life? The joker being the good card in some games, and the card you want to get rid of in others?

  2. Very deep and metaphorical.

    I will see that by being metaphorically "All in".

  3. It's also annoying when the cards with pictures on their backs aren't all facing the same way... but I have no idea what that has to do with life.

  4. you'll be the queen of hearts in my deck anyday...

  5. Heya Sonia, you're in.... pity they left it as anon.... but i'm sure i could narrow it down to a few science ppl from FWA ... you know who I'm talking about... ;)

    Also, I would agree Iain, money is sometimes good and sometimes bad.

    Also family maybe? Sometimes really good and sometimes really bad, or sometimes they don't seem like they're in the game at all, but they're sitting there, discarded on the coffee table, waiting for you to go back to them and need them again for something else...

    I dunno, I think I might be taking your analogy too far, but i'm tired and my brain is broken so i can do what i want.

  6. hehe that point of view on broken brains has got me in trouble... i'm forever putting my foot in it when I get home from something and waking up the next day feeling like a fool.

    Yeah, could be family

  7. or it could be llamas

  8. Llamas are a very funny thing... And ducks.

  9. lol - anonymous 2 and 3 = Leanne.
    Everyone else is away!! :)
