Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Watch the singer in the sinking sand,
Singing a ballad about dry land,
Loves nothing more than the feel of clay,
But sand swallows up the light of day;
Darkest of nights lies that way.

"Dry land, dry land" - the singer's refrain,
Pining for what he will not attain,
"Oh clay, dear clay" - the singer's lament,
Soon swallowed in shadow and silent;
In darkness that poor soul was rent.



  1. eeek... way more dark than I wanted it to be :oS

  2. I take it someone didn't like wearing a top hat and old clothes?

    twas a bit dark.. nice though.

  3. yeah, there's nothing like watching a poem emerge from your mind and liking what you see...

    the ball was postponed due to unavoidable and unfortunate circumstances, so this poem actually has nothing to do with old clothes and top hats. it's a pity, i was looking forward to the ball, but i'll just have to continue looking forward to it.

  4. Imitations at Werris Creek

    Dense syllables, trees
    and the breath of grey fire:
    the train hurls us
    at everning. Yellow
    trucks hurtle the other way.
    The carriage is filled
    with teenagers, flushed
    with reluctant arrival
    and kangaroos. They sing
    ABBA as the hills bud
    dark, cattle and tarnished
    silver dams slice
    into soft peaks.

    I told you I'd go.

  5. And following are several aspects of this poem that remind me of the WPT.

    the train hurls us
    at everning.

    The carriage is filled
    with teenagers, flushed
    with reluctant arrival

    They sing

    the hills

  6. glad you went :o) glad too that you understand what he meant by "flushed/with reluctant arrival", cos the people I was there with didn't and I thought it was pretty obvious!
