Monday, December 21, 2009

waking up slowly

Waking up slowly, the sound of a drill,
The cars on the road as they climb up the hill,
The birds and the trees with the wind in their hair
And inertial limbs screaming, resisting my dare
To wake up and face the world, man up and live it,
And live it damn well, and to hell with my limits.
They'll come around slow, then I'll crawl out of bed,
To stand up - not straight, not strong but not dead.

Give me an inch, I'll run it a mile
(though no guarantee that I'll do it in style);
More often than not too, I'll run the wrong way
And I'll double back, trip up and screw up the game.
There's fun to be had, and it's bad to be sad,
Work ya guns to be glad, coz that new fad is rad,
But the glad lad comes sad when bad fads had to die -
You're mad if you don't stop and ask yourself why.

Crawl into bed at the end of the day,
Don't give it thought, just give it a wave,
Read a good book as your limbs fall asleep,
Drift to oblivion without making a peep.
Tomorrow your lot is to do it again,
The birds sing in trees, your limbs scream in pain,
To gain what they can just to hand it right on.
Wake yourself slowly now. Stand up. Be strong.

- Iain