Monday, January 08, 2007

cardboard comes from trees

I can't wait until I have the space, time and money to create a garden. It's just one of those things that you start longing to do as you get older, I think. It's been spurred on a little by the Council giving out free plants at a few events I've been to recently, but I think in my case it's genetic - my Grandad's a farmer, my Nan's an avid gardener, and my Pop is a great gardener too and always wanted to get a farm. I would like to have a place where I can plant trees that will grow big and shady, and I'd like to be there long enough to enjoy that shade once they've grown. I really like trees.

I have a little Salvia that has bright red flowers. It's copped a massive beating from a healthy-looking green caterpillar which is now somewhere out my window, but it's still alive with a few leaves intact, and I hope it'll make a full recovery. It's had to survive my bad watering habits, and many's the times I've had to give it water as it's been far too wilted. Poor thing.

I also have a little Venus Fly Trap. Many of its traps have turned black and dead, but there are some healthy ones too. I think maybe they die once they've been used, or they just get sunburnt really easily when they have water on them. I need to get a dish for it to sit in so it doesn't dry out and so I don't have to water it from the top.

I also have a little cactus. It's furry with massive long spikes. It seems to take care of itself, but I think I'll start watering it more cos it hasn't grown at all since I got it. In all fairness, it was just sitting on my floor for the entire year, completely neglected. It could be dead, except I think it's still green and that would be weird.

I've just moved house, for those who didn't know. It's much quieter here, but at the moment I can't unpack any of my stuff so I don't really feel as though I've moved in. I don't like feeling in-between-places. There's a few things I'd like to fix but I haven't been brave enough yet coz it's a rental place. The cold tap in the bathroom doesn't work, but that should be relatively easy to fix. The kitchen light switch doesn't work either though, and that would be much harder. I might just leave that one be.

I got a job at the beginning of the holidays. I started working two weeks later, by which time it was the week before Christmas. I had four shifts that week. I haven't worked since. I'm a little bored. If anyone who is good at organising social thingies would like to organise one, I give you permission. Yes, I can still delegate stuff.

I may yet blog again today... haven't got much else to do! And that is a bad thing. I can only take so much Strong Bad in one sitting.

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