Saturday, April 19, 2008


I painted today. It was very cathartic. I painted a gradient of blues, and I'm going to continue the painting/catharsis tomorrow/sometime.

'Connect' tonight was on relationships. It's always fun... there's often a lot of tension in the room because people tend to take it more seriously as a subject, and so jokes go down really well! Not jokes told by me - there aren't many of those. It was also an interesting night, with the usual large amount of food for thought that comes with almost any Connect session.

And no, that's all I'm going to say about it :oP

Thursday, April 17, 2008

potential absentee

So it's turned into another late night (seems this would be where my passion has gone...), and I've just re-discovered that I have a meeting at 8am this morning. Dave, this is why I'm not there :oP

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Tuesday, April 08, 2008


I've decided to carry out a little experiment... Since my other blog is (yet again) unused, I decided to attempt yet another method by which to use it... I've converted it to French, and hope to use it to practice my French writing, thinking and commentary. If you know how to read, write, speak, think, etc. in French, please drop in and comment! As usual, it's at

In other news, I'm tired and (apparently) a whole lot less creative than I was three years ago!