Wednesday, September 16, 2009

bus tales ii

Today on the bus...

Yr 8: Can I not pay? I'd have to break this... (waves a 20 around
lamely) ...I don't have anything smaller.

Me: You've got a fiver right there.

Yr 8: How did you SEE that?!

Me: I'm good like that.

Then I saw a little ranger boy doing a Hitler salute while being
carried by his mum.

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Friday, September 11, 2009

bus tales

Today on the buses...

Almost certain i saw Marie Bashir sending a text feom the passenger
seat of her limo as it drove past.

Laughed not a few times at a schoolgirl trying to convince her friends
to buy her an iPhone for her birthday, then trying to organise a
birthday party where her friends gave her money for said iPhone. She
failed badly at doing the maths of how many friends would have to
bring how much money. Sometimes futility is hilarious.

Saw a Mitsubishi Magna broken down and stopping traffic and
immediately, semi-consciously started singing 'Another one bites the

Oporto dinner ftw! My Friday ritual.

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