Thursday, April 30, 2009


Light, you have been hidden for too long,
Kept alight but burning bright to none,
Pris'ner of my fear and wanton pride,
Scolding as my heart you scald inside.
Be free. I will have you no more hid.
Bear your witness to what Jesus did;
Through my hands, my words, my feet, my scars,
Tell the world of God's bright Morning Star.

-- Iain Hart

Thursday, April 16, 2009

old times

I dug this up today. Wrote it back in 2006 while walking home from uni.

When weary feet despair to tread,
And each bright day has darkness fed,
When tired eyes would see no more,
And burdened hands can catch no fall,
Know then that God hath sent the rain
To wash away the pain.
-- Iain